As one of the smallest countries in South America, Uruguay is often overlooked as a common destination by travelers. However, it is precisely this fact that makes it such a unique stop on the "emerald continent." The Caledonian Star docked in the capital city of Montevideo in the morning and guests were soon exploring the heart of this interesting city. The parliament building is constructed of 58 different types of marble. It is one of the most colorful public buildings in the whole world! The highlight of the day however, was visiting a working estancia (farm) in the countyside. Birders were active as our journey took us past the littoral regions of the Rio de La Plata (our total species count for the trip now stands at 120). At the estancia, we were treated to a traditional grillado (bar-b-q) of lamb, pork, chicken, and beef cooked on the open fire. Guests enjoyed a fantastic folklore show with music and dancing in the national dress (photo). Later, we took a horse and wagon ride to the river. What a sight! At 40 miles wide at its mouth, the Rio de La Plata is one of the largest rivers in the world.