Sapuena Village and Belluda Caño

We awoke this morning to clear skies and cool temperatures, tied up along the bank of the Ucayali River. An early morning skiff ride was a great start to the day. Birds were very active, a few iguanas basking in the sun, and river dolphins put on quite a show. Where a small stream entered the Ucayali River, many dolphins, both pink and gray, were feeding.

After breakfast, we explored the village of Sapuena. We were guided through the community, along the main “street” of a single sidewalk. Here we were introduced to the lifestyles of the people here including what crops they raised, how they cooked their food, and even how they built their houses. A centerpiece of this village is the school, and this is to where we all gravitated. Well dressed, polite, and attentive, it was a treat to be welcomed into their classroom and to share a bit about ourselves.

In the afternoon, we continued up river, arriving at an area known as Belluda Caño. Here, some of us went for a hike in the varzea forest, while the rest went up the narrow side creek. Everyone had incredible encounters. Giant cannonball trees and twisting figs lined the banks, along with some dense patches of Cano Bravo and bamboo. Birds were abundant, with many new species including toucans, woodpeckers, macaws and kingfishers.

But, the mammals stole the show. A few Monk Saki sat on a large branch, curious about how these strange visitors to their habitat. Their fuzzy tails and bodies contrasted with their bald heads. Three night monkeys poked their heads out of a hollow tree. This species is difficult to see, and we were treated to close up views. Meanwhile, movement was spotted in the same tree, but another hole down lower. Finally, two hands appeared and then a face with some large teeth. Black with white flecking, it turned out to be a bicolored porcupine, a very cool discovery.

We returned to Delfin II during another gorgeous sunset. Clear skies led to more stargazing and after dinner we had our own star-studded event. The incredibly talented crew put on quite the musical performance, leaving us fully satisfied with a diverse, and rewarding day.