Southern Ocean

After our long journeys from the United States and elsewhere to Buenos Aires and then to Ushuaia, Argentina — we had all made it to National Geographic Explorer. We could now begin our amazing expedition to the Falklands, South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula.

Our first day of the journey was at sea making our way to the Falkland Islands from Patagonia. The winds were light and the seas gentle as the ship plied her way to the northeast. Presentations and introductions were made throughout the day. Our Naturalists and Leaders were introduced and then talks on photography, the seabirds of our voyage and the amazingly productive Southern Ocean were presented. The light winds did not lead to many observations of birds from the deck, but several groups of Antarctic fur seals were seen from the bridge. These animals are making their way to South Georgia for the annual breeding season. They were mostly basking in the sun until we motored past; they then took interest in our ship. We look forward to many more encounters farther east.

The good weather held for us as we continued sailing and enjoyed the Captain’s welcome aboard cocktail hour and dinner. The evening was sublime as we have thoughts of tomorrow and its early start. The adventure is only beginning.