Marañon, Pucate, and Yanayacu Rivers

Pink dolphins. Flame red monkey brush flowers. A sloth with a baby. Leaf cutter ants. A rainbow over a skiff.

These are just a few of our amazing discoveries on our initial day here exploring the upper Amazon of Peru. By skiff, ship, and on foot, we were introduced today to this amazing place. Walking on ground that will be under six feet of water in a few months gave us a hint at the incredible changes that happen in this place. Taking a skiff ride up a narrow creek and seeing the water line, stained by the tannins, still fifteen feet over our head is another hint.

Watching trees fall as the riverbank continues to meander. A hummingbird pollinating a beautiful Heliconia flower. Listening to Yellow-rumped Caciques mimic many different species of birds, and a monkey! Learning about how the sap of a massive Fig tree can treat many ailments. Having breakfast with Saddleback Tamarin monkeys and Gray River Dolphins right outside the window. And watching the fiery sunset around some massive clouds.

Our day was certainly filled with excitement. Add to it, the comfort of this amazing ship, the delicious food, and the talented crew musicians, and I think we are off to an amazing start!