Yanayacu area of the Rio Marañon

The first day in a new environment is always filled with a wealth of new information and experiences. And the first day on board the Delfin II exploring the Peruvian Amazon is no exception.

The morning activities were split between the water and the land. The early morning skiff riders were rewarded with views of three-toed sloths, squirrel monkeys, green iguanas and a wide variety of bird species including toucans and parrots. Later in the morning we took a hike in an area of varzea, the forest that will become flooded when the rising water levels in the river peaks in a few months, blurring the boundary between water and land. The longer walkers were fortunate to see the venomous fer-de-lance, fortunately not too close.

As the heat of the day built we spent the time on board learning more about the area through which we are travelling. From our mooring at the entrance to the Rio Yanayacu, we had excellent looks at both grey dolphins and pink river dolphins, which provided quite a distraction to the mandatory safety drill.

As the day cooled skiffs provided the means for exploration in the Rio Yanayacu. Keen eyes were trained on the vegetation on the banks and wildlife materialized before our eyes, often to our amazement as the most obscure and distant shape was revealed to be a sloth or an iguana. Dolphins and a diversity of birds completed the wildlife show.

After sunset the Welcome Aboard cocktail party was an excellent chance to meet and start getting to know our local guides. It is their knowledge that will enhance our experience and help to train our eyes and ears to find wildlife. Welcome to the jungle!