Nauta Caño & San Francisco Town

This brand new day started with a couple of options: a ride on our fleet of skiffs, or a kayaking outing to explore a nearby seasonal black water creek known locally as “Caño Negro.” It was great for these pre-breakfast outings were of great success. We spotted once a very large number of bird species that included several highlights: raucous Festive and Mealy parrots, White-eared Jacamars, Black-fronted Nunbirds, and some colorful Tanagers species.

We came back to the ship for breakfast at around 9:00a.m. Just after we went to the skiffs once again, this time to explore Nauta Caño. A constant misty rain accompanied us. This soft rain was in fact beneficial for it refreshed the morning. A couple of monkey troops of Squirrel and Saddleback Tamarin monkeys were seen as well. The Squirrel monkeys (Saimiri scireus) were followed by a large flock of large billed Anis (Crotophaga ani). The squirrel monkeys move quickly, constantly, and noisily in the middle and lower strata of the riverbanks looking mainly for food. Insects like crickets and grasshoppers, which are an important part of their diet, jump in all directions. The anis are often seen following monkey troops to take part of the feeding party. Many diverse bird species were seen as well, in particular several raptors at fairly close range.

At around 11:30, we had a fruit exhibition with our naturalist Renny. He explained, opened, and served many exotic fruits. This presentation is a true delight for all senses.

In the afternoon, some of us disembarked at San Francisco community to go for a hike on one of the few areas in this season where we can still see some “Terra firme.” We spotted several plant species and had the chance to explain some aspects of the fascinating ecology of the rain forest of the Neotropics. Some guests opted to take a skiff ride instead. In both cases we all had a great time. From the skiffs we had a great sighting of a Yellow-crowned brush-tailed Rat (Isothrix bistriata). Later in the afternoon, we all ended at the community where we spent some time admiring the local handicrafts. After a sensational dinner we still had another activity, a night-walk that evoked mystery and curiosity. With awe our guests who went on to this hike enjoyed the total darkness and the natural concert of sounds of frogs and night creatures. Upon our return, this long day was finally over but at the time we were in our cozy beds we could not avoid but thinking on what exciting new adventures the Amazon will have for us tomorrow.