Esquinas Mangrove and Casa Orquideas at Golfo Dulce

Today National Geographic Sea Lion repositioned at the Esquinas river mouth just before the sunrise. This area is located on the inner side of the Golfo Dulce, which is probably the most remote place in Costa Rica. The sun appeared over the mountains in the distance and the fog faded rapidly while we were on Zodiac cruises through the Mangrove of Esquinas. We saw white Ibis, whimbrels, little blue herons, and snowy egrets among many more birds. During our second Zodiac outing, some of the guests decided to go kayaking and explore the mangroves as well. Black and Tea Mangroves where the most common species forming clusters all over the place and creating very nice little paths. Our kayakers then moved through this series of hidden trails.

After the last kayak came back, we lifted the anchor and began our voyage towards Casa Orquideas botanical Garden, where our second part of the outings would take place. During the voyage we encountered mobular rays jumping out of the water along with sea snakes sea turtles and dolphins.

In the second part of the afternoon, we began by visiting the incredible gardens of Casa Orquídeas. Hundreds of different tropical plants set in a very nice way are composing the flora of this unique garden. Fruit trees, lots of different species of palms, herbs and dozens of heliconia species are found in this place. Many of these plants were actually in blossom and orchids were probably the most important highlight of the walk. Also, we spotted the chestnut mandible toucan and fire billed aracari, scarlet macaws and cherry tanagers among some of the most conspicuous birds.

After a great day at Casa Orquideas we returned to National Geographic Sea Lion to begin a pleasant swimming from the stern. Later, and after the refreshing time in the water, we departed. This time our voyage took us to Golfito where we closed a day full of adventure and activities.