San Isidro & Pucate River

A brand new day started in our home away from home in the Upper Amazon this week, the Delfin II. She was tied at a relatively close proximity to the confluence of the Yanayacu River with the Marañon River. Just after breakfast we went for an introductory walk in the rain forest. We visited a seasonal flooded forest where we admired the fascinating vegetation of this famous ecosystem. We observed with amazement several huge plants; including some giant kapok and palm trees. We saw many colorful lobsters’ claw Heliconia flowers as well. We observed many kinds of insects as well. Ant species like the army and leaf cutter ants were spotted. Several butterflies were seen sitting on leaves or flying around.

As the day was getting hotter and humid we came back to the ship to have a cold drink and to participate in a couple of presentations. One was an introduction to the Amazon including details about its geological formation and its overwhelming biodiversity. The second talk was one about the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve. During the talks and lunch we had the joy to observe many pink and grey river dolphins fishing and frolicking around the ship.

In the afternoon we explored by skiffs a big tributary to the Marañon River, the Yanayacu River. Just at the entrance of this black water river we observed a fairly large building, the PV 1. This is the name given by the locals to Pacaya-Samiria Reserve wardens’ watching Station number 1. After signing our names in the registration book we started our rides.

The outing was highly successful for we spotted a couple of three- toed sloths. We spotted many bird species as well like beautiful Ringed and Amazon kingfishers, Capped herons, Yellow-billed terns, Macaws, Nunbirds, and several birds of prey like the Yellow-headed Caracara and Black-collared Hawks. In our way back a spectacular sunset with orangey reflections was admired and photographed by all of us.

We came back on board with unforgettable feelings and memories in our hearts and minds of our first full day of our expedition in the Peruvian Amazon.

After dinner, the icing on the cake was a musical performance by some crewmembers who are very talented musicians. They played live music in the dining room giving our guests a grateful surprise that enhanced even further the appreciation of this paradise called the Amazon.