Melfjord, Nordfjord and the Arctic Circle

We have been told that there is one waterfall in Norway for every person – some 4.5 million. As the Endeavour entered Melfjord this morning it is possible to believe such a claim with waterfalls crashing down the sheer walls of the fjord wherever one looked.

As the Endeavour entered Nordfjord, a branch of Melfjord, we crossed the Arctic Circle. As if marking our entry into the Arctic realm, two Golden Eagles soared overhead. This was the second eagle species to be seen during the trip, after several sightings of the (relatively) common white-tailed eagle.

Our first activity of the day was an Arctic plunge and swim in Nordfjord, with adventurous souls braving water temperatures of 50 F while others offered enthusiastic encouragement from the banks. We returned to the ship for a lunch on deck under flawless blue skies while we cruised through glassy calm waters to the head of the fjord (pictured).

Now that we are north of the Arctic Circle the sun will be our constant companion. This afternoon it made its presence felt, and sun screen and hats were much in evidence as temperatures soared. The afternoon then continued in perfect fashion with hiking being the second event in the ‘Lindblad Triathlon.’ The more energetic hikers headed up scree and boulder slopes while the more leisurely strolled along the shore. For the third and final event of the day guests took to the water in the kayaks in this splendid setting, accompanied by some local wildlife in the form of small groups of Harbour Seals.

Meanwhile, our Undersea Specialist took to the waters with the Remote Operated Vehicle to film some of the underwater marine life in the fjord. We have not yet seen what was found. That, and much else, awaits us tomorrow.