Floreana Island

Floreana has been an island full of mysteries ever since people started to visit and later to settle here. Plenty of controversies have arisen over these stories. Narrated by locals, they tell the tale of people who made their own life here, on a barren island: buccaneers, whalers, fishermen, crazy inhabitants and more.

In the late seventeen-seventies, whalers placed a barrel to drop letters being later picked up by sailors which headed back home and hand delivering these precious cargo. Today, like whalers in Galápagos we are continuing the tradition of hand delivering postcards, some of us consider the best mailing system in Ecuador nowadays.

The morning was full of good sightings: Galápagos penguins, green sea turtles, Charles mockingbirds, etc.

Snorkeling was great, we spotted white tipped sharks and sea lions among tropical and subtropical species of fish, rays and turtles. Later on we went on a panga ride to birdwatch; we had a nice display of blue-footed boobies plunge diving in front of our panga.

After lunch, snorkeling at Devil’s crown was a challenging option. Some other guests had a relaxed moment exploring the beach of Punta Cormorant among Galápagos sea lions.

Afterwards, a walk to a brackish water lagoon offered us the presence of bright pink flamingos, white cheeked pintails, black necked stills and some other resident and migrant waders.

Sea turtles started to breed already and were observed in small groups. In a few more weeks new nests will be made by these wonderful reptiles.

At sunset we came back to Islander waiting for the recap and interesting news about next days activities.