Isabela Island

After wonderful night anchor under the stars we slept and on our awakening we found ourselves surrounded by volcanoes; our destination Urbina bay, Isabela Island. Named after our former president, Urbina trails are dramatic. In 1954, about 2 square kilometers of sea floor rose for about four meters and now we have the chance to admire a fossilized underwater realm. Soon after these walks we gather at the beach for a well deserved deep in the water. Back on board we feel very lucky the weather was on our side, calm seas, gentle warm breeze and a thick cotton cloud protected us from the equatorial sun. A pre-lunch discussion took place as a LEX-Forum, our innovating way to participate, if desired, on the Galapagos ecosystems.

Our captain Juan Robalino repositions the Islander to our next visitor site, Punta Moreno, which offers out this world; the first impression is a desolated landscape, like some of us imagine mars. Black and brown arrays of “frozen” lava in time for what used to be a liquid flow; then suddenly, an oasis of life lava tunnels fills with ocean water and creates a marvelous lagoon.

As the sun sets we have a gathering at the sundeck. Our expedition is at its peak and we wonder what the future will bring.