Santa Cruz & North Seymour Islands

After two days on the ship, it is easy to get in the habit of being with nature. Today we awoke to civilization. We were awakened at 6:00am with the promise of giant land tortoises. Never has it been easier to get up at this hour of the morning.

Not only were land tortoises promised but they were delivered. Large, armor-like land creatures were trying to keep dry in the rain, with their heads tucked under their shells. Upon getting too close to one of the tortoises, it started making a noise, which sounded like the Star Wars character, Darth Vader, breathing through his mask.

This afternoon there was courtship in the air! We observed first hand a blue-footed booby enticing its mate with an elaborate dance, wings outstretched, as he called to a female. She in turn, would encircle him to study if he was worthy. The other mating ritual that was experienced was the frigate bird. Its large balloon-like sack was visible across the island. Females circling overhead could clearly see the beautiful sack and hear the call. It is amazing what the male has to go through to land a mate.

It is hard to put into words what one experiences in the Galápagos, so instead I offer a stream of consciousness of words to describe the feelings I have experienced on this journey: fulfilled, amazed, appreciative, higher-being, reflective, worry-free, calm, content, and relaxed. All these feelings can be experienced within an hour’s time. In the words of Anne Morrow Lindberg, “Only when one is connected to one’s own core is one connected to others…” The Galápagos is truly a place where one can connect to their core being and give thanks for life.