Floreana Island

Sometimes it doesn’t matter what we are doing or what we are seeing during our visits on land because, as soon as we jump into the water, the sea lions become the highlight of our day. These creatures, with their graceful and acrobatic movements underwater, make us all enjoy our time during the snorkeling. It was remarkable the interaction of these animals with our guests, and sometimes it was as if they were flaunting their underwater skills to us all.

Today we had the chance to go on two of the best snorkeling outings of the entire trip! Champion Island and Devil’s Crown were just amazing. The underwater topography and the colors observed in both snorkeling sites, plus a great variety of ecosystems made our experience unique.

Besides water activities, we visited a couple of trails that allowed us to have in close range the fascinating flora and fauna of this small island. From the “botanical point of view,” Floreana Island has a good number of endemic species of plants. Three out of seven endemic genera of the flowering plants of the Galápagos are present along the two visitor’s sites: Scalesia vellosa, Jasminocereus thouarsii and Lecocarpus pinnatifidus. Behind the littoral zone of our afternoon visit, we saw pink flamingoes in a brackish water lagoon sharing the environment with some waders. Today’s visit to this island was another successful event, just as we were expecting it to be. Nothing less for a place like Galápagos…