Genovesa Island

Waking up today was certainly spectacular upon arriving at Darwin Bay of Tower Island. This is the bird island by excellence! Even from our ship we could spot the red flecks of the male great frigate birds in their superb courtship display. Fellow frigate birds proved the origin of their name with spectacular dives on boobies, tropicbirds and gulls.

A short stroll along the landing beach showed us the rich variety of unique birds, like the swallow-tailed gulls which nocturnally feed and breeding great frigate birds. There was a lava gull looking for scraps along the beachline. Red-footed boobies grabbing tree branches looked like they had spilled bright red makeup on their feet. The wonderful way that the Nazca boobies were observing us made us fell right at home in this theater of bird life. A spectacular panga ride gave us impressive views on the inside of this large crater and a walk through an incense-tree forest brought us to the short-eared owl, hidden among the lava boulders. Today every body enjoyed a real “Bird” Day!