Bartolomé & Santiago

The National Geographic Endeavour is again in the center of the Galápagos. Today we are visiting two islands: Bartolomé and Santiago.

This morning we explored Bartolomé Island. With a nice cool breeze on our faces, we climbed to the top of the island for the view of the magnificent landscape. Here, you can admire the process of formation of new islands and volcanoes as well as the process of colonization with pioneer species.

This barren island is an iconic place among the landscapes of the whole Galápagos Islands because of the pinnacle rock and the golden sandy beach with clear water for snorkeling. At 9:00 a.m.we landed again at the beach, this time for snorkeling and glass-bottom boat activities.

As we explored the underwater world we enjoyed sightings of colorful tropical l fish and penguins on shore!

In the afternoon we landed at Puerto Egas on Santiago Island. Here, we had a wet landing on black sand (volcanic ash). Shortly afterwards we all started either a long or short walk along the coast. This island happens to have the most beautiful shoreline for a walk at sunset.

Fortunately today was nice and sunny with a blue sky, and the shore at sunset was just spectacular with marine iguanas, sea lions, seabirds and an impressive feeding frenzy a few yards off shore. The feeding frenzy was carried out by tuna fish and sea lions from underwater and by pelicans, blue-footed boobies and shearwaters from the air. What a view!

It was another day in paradise!