Bartolomé & Chinese Hat

We had a pre-breakfast outing today, to hike to the top of Bartolomé Island and enjoy one of the best views in the Galápagos. This is an island that allows us to learn all about the geology in these islands, travelling back in time millions of years to better understand the process about the arrival and establishment of species in the enchanted archipelago.

Later, we had the chance to explore the marine species by snorkeling around Pinnacle Rock, where we encountered some sea lions and penguins around the rocks, as well as many colorful species of fish. Some of us went in the glass-bottom boat to explore the ocean from above.

In the afternoon we visited Chinese Hat Islet and had one of the best snorkeling outings, where we swam with sharks, rays, sea lions and we even had penguins around us. We saw a sea lion chasing a small shark for a couple of minutes, which was pretty interesting since the food chain usually works the other way around. As we continued to explore the underwater world we saw an endemic tiger snake eel, and marine iguanas feeding underwater, exhibiting their unique abilities, since they are the only ones that have the ability to dive under the ocean to forage on algae.

What I always find fascinating is the fact that we can find penguins on lava flows and a forest of candelabra cacti right behind them. The top land predator of the Galápagos was also patrolling the sky in the area; this is the Galápagos Hawk, an endemic raptor that inhabits the islands.

Another great day in paradise with one of the best snorkeling opportunities so far this voyage.