South Plaza & Santa Fe Islands

The weather is changing in the Galápagos Islands; we are starting our rainy season. The warm waters of the Panama current are reaching the archipelago and soon with them the rain will come. Life on land has been waiting for months for some water. Land iguanas and Darwin finches have been struggling to survive. Iguanas have been feeding in cactus fruits which are their only source of food. Darwin finches have been looking for dormant seeds that are hiding on the ground ready to bloom. The Sesuvium plants changed their colors to slow down the photosynthesis procedure and survive another dry season.

On South Plaza Island we found the first male land iguanas fighting and some courtship displays. We saw some Darwin finches collecting some nesting material… Yes, love is in the air for the land life of the Galápagos!

In the afternoon we kayaked and snorkeled at Santa Fe Island. Then we went for our hike and it was a very successful one! As we were able to see two unique species to this island: the Santa Fe land iguana and the Santa Fe rice rat.

We finished our walk on a white beach that’s home to sea lions. A newborn sea lion came for the farewell.

We are feeling in love as well, like the animals we saw today. We are feeling in love with nature! In love with life and with Galápagos.