Santa Cruz Island and Daphne Major

It is hard to remember the program by heart. There are so many activities that it can be confusing, and we need to check the written sheet to make sure that indeed, all what we thought that was going to happen, is actually happening. But there are also unexpected events, surprises, never promised and yet, they occur. There were whales, tropical whales (or Bryde’s) and a wedding during sunset and stars drawing wonderful constellations that made us dream of remote times when we still believed in Pegasus, a horse with wings, and a prince Perseus rescuing Andromeda from a sea monster, Cetus the whale.

We woke up at the northwestern corner of Santa Cruz, to discover that the scenery is again different from the day before, and the adventures new and fresh. There were land iguanas, and marine invertebrates of all kinds of colors on the walls of Guy Fawkes when we snorkeled. The outline of Isabela, to the west, was perfectly clear. Daphne major, the islet where Peter and Rosemary Grant have done research on Darwin’s finches, was at its best.

And then, the wedding. Captain John Zurita married two young people, at sea, with us and Galapagos as witnesses of their affection and commitment. Wishing a long life to their love!