North Seymour and Rabida Islands

We spent our day in the central realm of the Galapagos archipelago. Our first place to explore is located on the island of North Seymour; this is the best place to find frigate birds with their bright red pouches inflated and in full courtship display. Along the trail we also found some juvenile blue footed boobies and even a nest with a newborn booby.

One of the most amazing things we saw this morning was a female sea lion that had just given birth. Her newborn pup was barely able to move, but it was fine and healthy.

We also witnessed the aggressive attack of a juvenile booby by frigates; these birds were trying to steal fish from the booby. For a minute the bird looked as if it was dead, but once the frigates left the booby stood up as if nothing had happened to it – with its fish still inside its mouth.

After this exciting morning we lifted anchor and headed to Rabida Island where we had several different options for our guests. Guests could kayak, snorkel from the Zodiac or beach and ride on the glass-bottom boat.

As we finished with these options we ended our day with a relaxing walk along the coast of Rabida and enjoyed a colorful sunset from the shore.