Carcass Island: A Bountiful Beauty

In search of the illusive Cobb’s Wren, our intrepid birdwatchers (and long hikers) were the first to land on the shores of Carcass Island, where birds thrive in great numbers and diversity. We carefully steered around nesting Magellanic oystercatchers, while Tussock Birds flitted everywhere. The rest of us enjoyed shorter forays around the settlement and all were amazed at the abundance of our fine-feathered friends.

Owners Rob and Lorraine McGill have lived here for more than 30 years and still maintain the traditional lifestyle with their sheep and farm animals. Gracious and welcoming, the McGills invited us to tea. The spread of baked treats had to be seen to be believed, and eaten to be truly appreciated. It was worth the effort to take off our shoes, go inside and partake of the sumptuous feast. In addition, there was a cup of tea for each of us. Why? Because here in the Falklands, there’s “always time for a cuppa!”

Between our morning and afternoon landings we made a short but interesting transit through the narrow “Woolly Gut” off Westpoint Island.

New Island: A Novel Alliance

New Island, which is the most remote of all the inhabited islands, is situated in the extreme west of the Falklands and contains some of the finest scenery and largest concentrations of wildlife. In 1979, it was divided into two equally sized and independently run properties. These two self-reliant and forward-thinking landowners created a “Conservation Trust” to ensure that New Island will remain a protected wildlife reserve in perpetuity – by law. We spent our time there in the company of Black-Browed Albatrosses and those plucky Rockhopper Penguins who make an incredible trek from the surf down below to the colony up high. Adding to our enjoyable afternoon, were the antics of the colorful and very busy Blue-eyed Shags.

All too soon, it was time to return to the ship and wash our boots one last time before packing them into our suitcases. With their subtle beauty and tranquility, the Falklands made a perfect dessert after feasting ourselves on South Georgia.