At Sea

Beautiful seas and a bright horizon greet us this morning, our last day aboard the National Geographic Explorer. In the distance we could see Staten Island and Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, marking the entrance to Le Maire Strait and South America.

We are back, moving towards a time between adventures. While the mountains are still snow-covered, there are trees at their feet, something different, yet familiar, more of the world that we know. Behind us the ice, the tussock grass, the penguins, the seals, and the endless open ocean.

We can all let out our breath, here, somewhere in the Beagle Channel. A breath that we did not know we were holding through these many days of jumping from anticipation to participation, and back again. Well, not really a breath, more like an essence, a thing of nature and beauty and freedom, deep inside, that has grown and grown until it is too big to hold. Its passing is like beautiful seas and a bright horizon.

Here is one moment of mine, from yesterday at Carcass Island, a purple sunstar, dangerous and beautiful. Well, OK, dangerous if you are a snail or a clam!