Drake Passage & Ushuaia

The day began slightly somber but brightened through the morning. At sunrise we are still in the Drake Passage with a curious host of birds, mostly albatross and petrels energized by the wind pushing on our port side. Wind and some sea did nothing to slow our progress and we were out of the Drake by mid-morning.

The rest of the day we slowly cruised up the Beagle Channel, slightly amazed at the sight of not just vegetation, but forests climbing up mountainsides to a well defined timberline. The non-pelagic bird-life also increased with dozens to hundreds of kelp gulls, shags and terns, to name a few. Other clues that we were not in Antarctica anymore included the occasional settlement and lonely roads.

On the ship there was still plenty of activity with lectures and packing and as always, eating. There was a special teatime with Swedish pancakes and delicious fillings served by Henrik, our hotel manager and Magnus, our baker, a little something to remember us by, physically and spiritually. Fare ye well!