Punta Pitt and Leon Dormido, San Cristobal

Today we had several activities, a morning hike to see a red footed booby colony and an afternoon snorkeling with sharks. As we arrived to the beach at Punta Pitt the clouds began to open and we began to see the tropical sun. Ascending through a small dried creek proved very challenging, and tested our skills to maneuver between rocks and climb at the same time.

As soon as we found some shade we stopped to see the rocks nearby and rest before continuing. Upon reaching the highest part of the hill we could appreciate the view and the landscape around us. Then it was flat terrain again and walking was easier; finally we reached the red footed booby colony and could see two nesting animals close to us, a little white chick looking for protection under the body of its parent. The Sesuvium succulent plant gave the final touch to the whole scene, as several boobies flew in the distance.

After returning from the hike it was time to swim in the clean waters and cool off a little. As expected, some sea lions were swimming in the neighborhood. We finished the walk at the right time, as the tropical sun began to heat the area we hiked through just a few minutes ago.

In the afternoon it was time to snorkel among sharks along waters next to the cliffs of Leon Dormido. Unfortunately, before disembarking to the Zodiacs the rain began to pour. This did not discourage the group of people waiting to get into the water and explore the wonders of this underwater realm. It was definitively a wet ride to the Leon Dormido, but as soon as several snorkelers jumped in the water the signal for sharks was constantly made. Several small Galapagos sharks swam under the divers and then later, the word “ray” came through the snorkels.

The final activity of the day was circumnavigation around Kicker Rock. Of course after everyone was back onboard and took a warm shower, the impressive rock was right in front of us, on the horizon we could see the highlands of San Cristobal, raining on the higher areas.

We had ceviche to eat and a beer to go with it, a great way to finish this adventure in the Enchanted Islands.