Santa Cruz Island

The giant tortoises are our goal for today. Seen these gentle giants, is an event worthy of expending one full day of our trip. At the National Park Service facilities, the Darwin Station holds a set of seventy and some tortoises that have been devoted to research, and thanks to them, we have learnt everything that is necessary to know for their protection.

The temperature of the morning is very pleasant, making our visit agreeable and interesting. The surrounding vegetation cooperates, allowing us to have encounters with several dozens of finches of different species. This visit is a great learning experience.

At mid morning we are given the opportunity to visit the multiple shops that are in town. Puerto Ayora is the most inhabited city of the archipelago and our guests happily help the locals make a good living with a well organized shop. After a satisfactory contact with the local culture, we headed to the highlands for a delicious lunch and more tortoise sightings - this time in the wild!

The exuberant and lush vegetation have impressed our guests. The sudden encounter with the giant representatives of the Galápagos is exciting to experience a time of communion with nature. Well, we have a good time for photography also!

A brief encounter with a vermillion flycatcher and a hundred finches flying near by gave our experience a touch of surrealism. The garua is covering us all and it is somehow chilly at los gemelos (the sink holes), but once again the feelings that this place raises makes of this day, another unforgettable moment of the week.