Clearwater River & Hell’s Canyon

The enthusiasm for today’s expeditions was enhanced by the beautiful sunrise that met the morning. We were gifted a perfect day to explore the region, both by jet boat, traveling up the Snake River and by coach along the Clearwater River Valley.

Those of us who chose the jet boat boarded the tour boat headed for Hell’s Canyon. We explored this breathtaking canyon, known for having the deepest gorge on the continent, while traveling through class II rapids. The landscape was majestic; basalt mountains with black rock that glistened from the manganese that had dried on them creating “canyon varnish.” Splashes of fall foliage along the river, in shades of amber and crimson, brought vibrancy to the otherwise brown earth, distinctive to this region. We traveled sixty miles throughout the day observing two of the Snake River tributaries, the Salmon and Grand Ronde Rivers. After finishing our lunch at the Heller Bar Lodge we headed back toward the Sea Bird. We stopped to view a two thousand year-old petroglyph. As we continued our return trip we spotted several mule deer, Rocky Mountain big horn sheep, a golden eagle and some wild turkeys.

Steeping themselves into Lewis and Clark history, the remaining guests boarded Lin Laughy’s motorcoach and went back in time. Lin’s immense knowledge and ability to tell the story captivated his listeners, and connected them to the history and adventures of Lewis and Clark in the Nez Perce Country. Feeling the ground beneath their feet on which the Corps of Discovery had once stood evoked a powerful spiritual connection, not to be forgotten.

The guests returned feeling completely enriched by their experiences. They relived the day through an exchange of stories while sharing the evenings wonderfully prepared meal.