Isabela Island

What a wonderful day we had today.

Early in the morning we gently woke up while navigating to our next site, Urbina, named after a former Ecuadorian president; we were greeted by a mysterious, calm ocean on Valentine's Day.

Urbina is a site surrounded by a supernatural magic, a place which was underwater until 1954 when magma pressure raised this realm to expose it for our walk. Fossilized external skeletons of many invertebrates make this place an impressive prop for new arriving plants and land iguanas. We had a choice of long and short walks which offered a close encounter with this mystical ecology. Soon after, a very refreshing dip at the beach was highly appreciated by our guests visiting the equator.

While lunching, we repositioned to Punta Moreno for a panga ride or a hike, both options were totally different and wonderful in every aspect; the walk was over jagged pieces of lava, sculptures carved by mother natures with her powerful might, allowing us to discover sporadically collapsed sections fed by lava tunnels which through time created a green oasis of life. Today we saw "flamingos in mars," to excerpt one of our guests. Meanwhile some of us rode in a Zodiac to explore this unreal coastline surrounded by penguins, cormorants, marine iguanas and pelican chicks, a place in which we felt our senses developing a deep grasp of our environment through stillness.

Then, our time came to say good-bye to our new volcanoes and lava features. This is a place to be visited for generations, therefore a place to be protected; my dear reader I really wish you were here, because no words could ever convey the invisible feeling this wonderful place can exude.

Our expedition is reaching its peak and so we have been infected with excitement and wonder as we unite in joy, becoming one with nature.