Floreana Island

Our senses are alert! We are looking in every direction, making discoveries and notations on what see. Well, sometimes we see things that are not there too, but this is only a side effect of the excitement we all have, including the naturalists. We have accumulated so many good memories in the past days, that it is difficult not to keep expecting more. Today's exploration site, Floreana, is an island with an excellent record for providing unforgettable experiences.

A visit to Post Office Bay is always entertaining. It is surprising how many different destination addresses we read and therefore how many places we get transported to mentally in matter of minutes. While at the mail barrel, a flock of at least one hundred cattle egrets flew by, glistening in the sunlight.
Later we went in search of the Charles mockingbird at Champion islet. We explored the shorelines of this satellite island of Floreana, so an hour later we knew exactly what we wanted to do during our snorkeling session.

The snorkeling was prodigious with the myriads of fish in schools moving like dancers following the music of nature (or escaping the diving blue-footed boobies as a matter of a fact). Interpretation of course is applicable to any circumstance depending on how romantic you are.

After all of these wonderful experiences, it is hard to believe that it is only noon because we have seen so much; and yet another set of experiences are still waiting for us at Punta Cormorant, our landing site on this southernmost island of the archipelago.

As we were expecting, flamingos were in the hyper saline lagoon doing what flamingos are famous for: standing on one leg. Some were seen filtering the ooze at the bottom of the lagoon while every one seemed to be busy in the great game that is called life.

We are not mere spectators of this great scheme, but participants trying to discern some of the mysteries that at this very moment are surrounding us. Elucidating just a fraction of them will make us better people.