Punta Vicente Roca & Fernandina

We were just at four geographic minutes to reach the equator on the northern hemisphere when word came to the dinning room: a pod of dolphins was near by! We were reluctant at the beginning since we had given up for the morning exploration for whales already, so was a very renewing to find them. The pod was bow riding and jumping close to the National Geographic Islander for about forty minutes. A small pod of pilot whales was also close but they didn’t benefit us with their presence for too long.

At the equator we celebrated crossing the symbolic line with the help of pirates sent by King Neptune himself. Soon afterwards we had a spectacular Zodiac ride. We found several pacific sun fishes and a score of penguins in a frantic fishing activity. The most regaling moment was when a huge manta ray came within inches of the Zodiacs. We had a fantastic time taking pictures of such a wonderful fish.

At Punta Espinosa in the afternoon, we communed with nature in a symphony orchestrated by the inhabitants of the island. Iguanas, cormorants and sea lions were deep into their own affairs. Meanwhile we, mere spectators, experienced the awe of such a magnificent day.