Isabela & Fernandina Island

There is nothing like the western part of the Galápagos Islands. The breeze and the hot coffee up on the sundeck were waiting for us, and then suddenly in front of us this beautiful geological formation known as Roca Redonda appeared. The islet was surrounded by tons of birds, full of life, and not too far a school of common dolphins was jumping out the water welcoming us to their dominion, and when we were about to leave a whale swam next to our ship.

We rush down to have breakfast and get ready for our Zodiac cruise; along the shoreline we saw playful sea lions, hungry cormorants, boobies diving, penguins bathing, and of course sea turtles everywhere. Our snorkelers could not wait to get in the water and swim with all this marine life. Even with all this we had the opportunity to see Mola mola, the famous sunfish, and everyone was more than pleased t to be on this side of the island of Isabela.

After lunch we heard a great talk about Darwin given by Antonio; afterwards we again repositioned towards Fernandina, where we landed next to a female sea lion who had recently given birth. Then we walked further and saw an iguana carpet, on top of flows of pahoe hoe and aa lava; not too far away we sighted the flightless cormorant, walking, eating and building a nest, plus oystercatchers, more sea turtles, and at the very end a Galápagos Hawk at the jetty feeding on placenta (afterbirth).

Like I said before, there is nothing like have the privilege of being on the west side of Galápagos, but tomorrow I know will be even better. The giant tortoises are waiting for us and we can not wait to spend another day on this magical island.