Española Island

With an early morning kayak time, our guests started their last full day in paradise. An extraordinary fresh clear morning with calm seas accompanied our kayakers for more than an hour. They were all very happy with the morning workout.

We had a very full morning as we snorkeled and swam at the beach and experienced the best sea lion company in the world, the beach time at Gardner Bay was definitely the highlight of the morning. We had a bunch of young kids that had a real blast building sand castles and beds for sea lions, they will move in and won’t leave!!

After a good siesta we started the last hike of the week. Punta Suarez is the name of the place we visited. The jewel of the crown was left for the very end of the week: Española Island shows a huge selection of fabulous wild life.

As we dry landed on Punta Suarez, the welcome committee greeted us: blue-footed boobies, red marine iguanas, large lava lizards, dozens of sea lions with pups and colorful Sally Lightfoot crabs happily stood at the peer.

As we followed the rocky trail, we reached the endemic waved albatross nesting colony. The cutest, tiny newly hatched baby albatross lightened up the rocky terrain . We reached the cliff where the albatross jump in the air; we saw the blow hole and hundreds of Nazca and blue-footed boobies right at our feet!

What else can you ask from a trip… So long Galápagos.