Española Island

Yesterday we had a wonderful day at north Seymour Island, our first experience with many Galápagos sea birds, where the main attraction was without any doubt the frigate birds. This species is nicknamed the "Pirates of the Sky"; they are also known as the "Gladiators of the Sky", this is because their habit of stealing food from other sea birds, and also is due to their ability to glide without flapping a single time for a long while.

This is the only visitor site where our guests get to see these magnificent sea birds. On this little Island with no more than 2 square miles you can see males with their red pouches working very hard to attract females; we also can see juveniles frigate birds, chicks and some even eggs being incubated. It was really an amazing start!

Right after dinner our entire guests were on the outside decks watching an amazing spectacle, Galápagos sharks, and Galápagos sea lions looking for fish. And the two species seemed to be focused on their own business.

After a long navigation toward our second island, we arrived at Española. In the morning we disembarked at Suarez Point; and this time our main interest was to see the Waved Albatrosses, and we were very successful in finding them; we could see chicks, eggs, juveniles and some even courting at the same time.

Waved Albatrosses are endemic to Espanola Island, where they come year after year to breed in the oldest island in Galápagos, and the reason for this is because this species needs a flat area for landing, and a cliff for taking off, and this place has the two.

In the afternoon we started our activities with glass bottom boat, deep water snorkelling, beach swimming, and even kayaking. Many of our guests got to do two or three different activities in the afternoon. They were very exhausted but very happy for this amazing experience.

These were only the main attractions, apart from the colorful marine iguanas, lava lizards, Galápagos hawks, Española mockingbirds, nazca boobies, and the most beautiful beach covered with Galápagos sea lions.

This is only our second day in Galápagos, and our guests are so happy to be here.