Southern Isabela Island

The western realms of the Galápagos archipelago has an intense of magic floating in the air. The astonishing views of the enormous volcanoes of Isabela, the aquamarine colors of the surrounding waters and the clear blue skies make you feel intimate with nature. Great expectations, hopes and dreams were fully accomplished today. From colorful land iguanas to dark lava fields, the exquisiteness of the remote locations we visited today made us feel immersed inside a fabulous dream. Galápagos penguins swam and shared their world with us, and a couple of big orca whales (Orcinus orca) seen from the Zodiacs provoked admiration and happiness. It was so rewarding to witness each other react with sincere love of all the marvelous experiences that the Galápagos can evoke.

This week we had onboard Dr. Sylvia Earle, Explorer in Residence from the National Geographic Society. I have been honored to travel with her many times. Her passion for the ocean is not only contagious but touching. She has been studying, defending, educating and fighting for the ocean all her life. Holding records in exploration, she has explored deep places of the sea no human being has ever been. She represents a living example of commitment and love for our planet. Days like the one we had today make me happy to exist. The magic of the Galápagos touched us once again. With all our efforts as individuals, groups and communities the magic we experienced today will be with us in the next generation. This will be the greatest gift we can leave them.