Dragon Hill & Chinese Hat

It was a great sunrise and the cool temperature of the air remained the entire morning giving us a good chance to walk in a place that looks so prehistoric and desertic.

Of course visiting this place is a must if someone hasn’t seen land iguanas yet. When you walk here, a lot of attention is required to find those incredible reptiles that blend with the mystic colors from the golden grass.

Not so far from the beginning of our walk were some land iguana hatchlings surprisingly showing up but quite afraid of the fast movements. We saw two of these which look completely different from an adult. The return route was on a different trail recently opened by the National Park. It was a great walk followed by a refreshing fast swim before going to snorkel.

Guy Fawkes Islets are a couple of old cinder cones far away from land, and probably were part of and old piece of land that sank long time ago; the snorkel along the submarine cliff is nice.

Chinese Hat is a little island located at the south part of Santiago; there are some penguins to be seen perched at the shoreline. Some of our young guests aboard participated in a Zodiac driving lesson, and of course they had fun with it. Some of our guests kayak for the last chance in a well protected bay in a paradise of volcanoes and beautiful green water.