South Plaza and Santa Fe

This day started as we rocked gently back and forth in the waves between Santa Cruz and Santa Fe Island. South Plaza is a small non-descript island very close to the coast of Santa Cruz which holds an interesting mix of species. Land iguanas have found a very productive area that is not more than a few hectares in size. Opuntia prickly pear cacti and a blood red succulent plant called Sesuvium support the majority of the population of iguanas with nutrients. A large bachelor sea lion colony has an overlook of the ocean at the highest ridge on the island. Young male sea lions come to this colony to get away from the larger dominant males at productive colonies. Mock fighting helps these males hone their skills so that one day they may be able to take over a stretch of coastline and pass on their genetic line. Older male sea lions also come to retire at this site as their “fighting” days have come to an end. The surrounding waters appear to be boiling with activity as schools of surgeon fish and yellow tail mullet pass the steep cliff area where the sea meets land. Upon our return we passed by the Santa Cruz coast line observing where South Plaza was formed as a result of the tumultuous volcanic past.

Santa Fe appears to be hiding something as we anchor just off the northern coast. Large trees are strategically placed by their distribution plan which upon closer inspection shows us prickly pear cacti with massive trunks. Snorkeling and kayaking start our visit to this mid-sized Galápagos Island and all are pleasantly surprised at the abundance of life. Spotted eagle rays, white tipped sharks, and pacific green sea turtles share their realm with us as we float over this turquoise kingdom. Galápagos sea lions appear to have taken the beach where we land as no less the 100 sea lions lay upon the beach. Our various hikes show us one of the very few land mammals naturally occurring in the Galápagos, the Santa Fe Rice Rat with a short eared owl hunting very close by. The Santa Fe land iguana is also witnessed as we climb to a ridge allowing us an incomparable view of the coast line and the various islands to be found in the distance. Another enriching day in this paradise we call Galápagos.