Genovesa Island

A beautiful sunrise just minutes before we get into Darwin Bay enlighten us at the Island of the birds “Genovesa.” Our early activities started with a stretching session and kayak for those who want to experience the wildlife from a closer perspective a long the cliff of an old collapsed caldera. Flocks of red-footed boobies were heading to their feeding areas while other species of seabirds were perched on the steep cliff of Darwin’s Bay.

At Darwin Bay we took a walk along a tidal channel. Since there was a low tide, we were able to have access to limited areas where we found yellow night crown herons and swallow-tailed gulls with their chick. In addition, a newly born sea lion was found; it seems that it was about couple hours old because it had the umbilical cord attached. Moreover, frigate birds, sharp-beak finches also known as “vampires” and mockingbird where found into the saltbushes. Afterward, we head back to the National Geographic Islander in order to prepare for deep water snorkeling. We explored the underwater realm along the cliff of Genovesa Island; a wide variety of fish were pointed out. For example parrotfish, wrasse, tuna, moorish idol and few more species of fish from the indo pacific were seeing in the calm warm water of Darwin Bay. An interesting morning in one of the most pristine island in the Galápagos Islands paid off.

Our afternoon excursion was very pleasant. We walked through incense trees and yellow cordia. We spotted the only species of booby that build its nest in trees “red-footed boobies.” In addition, we spotted several species of Darwin finches, such as large ground finch, warbler finch, and Galápagos dove. At the end of the forest we found an unblemished area with a picturesque volcanic landscape. We were standing enjoining the astonishing volcanic landscape when we saw a short-ear owl hunting storm petrels. After so much fun in our nature quest, we gave a minute of silence to listening to Mother Nature throughout the sounds of the birds, wind and breaking waves. A beautiful sunset gave this magical day a great ending.