Floreana Island

Today we visited three different places on Floreana Island, giving us the opportunity to do nature walks, deep water snorkeling, glass bottom boating and kayaking.

We woke up early in the morning full of energy to enjoy the most of this island. We had perfect weather all day, it seemed like it was already arranged for us, since it was a little cloudy for our nature walks and sunny for our deep water snorkeling; the water temperature reached 84 Fahrenheit and the visibility was at least 30 feet!

During our walks we found a lot of flamingos in a big brackish water lagoon surrounded by a nice volcanic landscape full of different types of volcanic cones; one of the highlights of this walk was to see two kinds of sand, organic and inorganic; when we walked on the organic one it was like walking on flour due to its coralline composition; this was the best place to spot Pacific green sea turtles and to see where they nest. When we walked on the inorganic sand it seemed like we were walking on crushed multi colour sea glass because of the minerals found in basalt, which forms most of the islands.

In our deep water snorkeling we found big schools of silvery fish and colourful fish as well as sharks and sea lions, since the water was so nice, 90 percent of our guests were snorkeling, creating a new record for the National Geographic Polaris!

After all these activities we are looking forward to tomorrow, in this hidden treasure of the Pacific.