Cerro Dragon & Sombrero Chino

Just when we think we have seen it all, we land at the northwest corner of Santa Cruz Island and a new world is presented in front of our eyes. This morning it was the world of land iguanas, a site with giant cactus and Palo Santo trees; with finches, mockingbirds, and warblers. Land of the Galápagos dragons, the fascinating land iguanas, therefore the name of this area. After the walk, where we encountered several iguanas, many of our guests headed north by Zodiac to explore the underwater realm around Guy Fawkes Islet, a tuff cone with impressive marine life.

In the afternoon we began getting ready for the snorkeling along Sombrero Chino’s shoreline where we found an innumerable array of multicolored fish and some white-tipped reef sharks. At the same time we were able to explore the shoreline by kayak, where we found some shore birds and of course, penguins! Some enjoyed the beautiful beach with the adorable baby sea lions. The dramatic shapes of the lava in this area make you wonder at how little we really are. After dinner we had a nice “Muyuyo Rave party” with all our enthusiastic guests, sharing the best night life in the Galápagos. There was a contest: the Craziest Hair Do, a favorite among children, and naturalist are like children too!