Cascade Creek and Petersburg, Alaska

“A twig snaps, a branch breaks, the sounds of the forest, everything alive, awake!
Leaves rustle as the cool wind blows. There is magic in the forest nobody knows.
The sounds of the forest… magical you see, it’s a place waiting for you and me!”
By Claire Montgomery, age 10

We awoke to the misty magic of Alaska at Scenery Cove in Thomas Bay, rain softly falling in the green reflective water all around us. Later that morning, we made our way to Cascade Creek and a series of hikers made their way to view the torrent of water crashing down from the mountain above. Our younger guests did their own ‘kid hike’ in order to make it back down to the beach for Zodiac lessons! As we cruised down Frederick Sound the clouds began to lift and by the time we reached Petersburg we had blue sky! Petersburg… an active fishing town with a Norwegian twist, provided a variety of activities to choose from: biking around the town, hiking in the muskeg, dock walks and a photography class taught by our photographic instructor, Linda Burback.

For recap, Fred Sharpe from Alaska Whale Foundation came aboard to share about his research with humpback whales. Following this, we had the best fresh crab fest ever!

By Susanna Montgomery, age 10
Frosty skies and white lies whispered through the forest.
Ocean spilled, fish gilled from head to toe in the glow.
Mountains tall, rivers low, they put on a show.
Alaska is an amazing place where people like to go!

Breaching Whales
By Alexandra Dial, age 12
Humpbacks did their show
They went so low
Then they went so high and touched the sky!