
A great day for marine wildlife started strongly as we were visited by albatrosses and dusky dolphins even before we got anchored. Kaikoura has become famous for whale-watching, thanks to the deep trenches in the seabed that start about a mile from shore. Cold, north-moving currents are joined by warm south moving currents, creating a constant upwelling of nutrients that support abundant sea life and seals, dolphins, whales, and seabirds are all here in abundance. Wandering albatrosses travel more than 700 miles to feed here before returning to their nesting partners in the sub-Antarctic.

Our day was packed with many activities such as whale-watching, swimming with the dusky dolphins, sea-birding and hiking along the 100 foot-high cliffs which overlook the colonies of red-billed gulls and resting fur seals. The enthusiasm was building during the day and by the time the final afternoon sea-birding trip returned, everyone had a story to tell of sightings that can only take place in such a unique place as Kaikoura.

How’s this for a one-day species list: sperm & pilot whales, dusky &bottle-nose dolphins, New Zealand fur seals, Albatross – Northern & Southern Royal plus Gibson’s wandering, Mollymawks – White-capped & Salvin’s, Petrels – both Northern & Southern giant, Shearwaters Flesh-footed & Hutton’s, Terns – White-fronted and Gulls – Red-billed & Black-backed.