Napier to Rotorua

Enthusiasm greeted the alternative plans made due to the weather, as gale warnings with heavy seas running with little chance of our original plans of a landing at the active volcanic “White Island.” So, plan B.

We travelled inland by bus to the geo-thermal centre of the North Island visiting two geothermal reserves where we experienced the raw beauty and sheer power of Mother Nature. The senses were simulated by the sights and sounds of the geothermal activity — the quiet expanse of the sinter terrace, colourful springs (one a brilliant yellow), risings steam, hissing vents, bubbling water, plopping mud, swirling sulphur laden steam and sizzling pools of mud, a wonderland of almost sinister dominion.

I think considering the weather, Shakespeare’s Macbeth — The meeting of the three Witches describes it well. “Hubble, bubble, boil and bubble — When shall we meet again in thunder, lighting or in rain?”

Rotorua tonight, home of the Te Arawa iwi (tribe) recognized by many as the centre of Maori culture in New Zealand.