You may think it is made of plastic. I went so close and this creature did not even react. That can happen only here in the Galapagos. Animals don't feel afraid of people; actually they don't care when you pass so close to them, the main reason being that they have very few natural predators. The Galapagos are islands where you see things that you wouldn't believe possible -- for example, mockingbirds walking on your head, sea lions pulling your fins when you are snorkeling, marine iguanas blocking the trail when you hike on the islands or penguins taking a bath in 80-degree water. That is amazing. Here we have the Galapagos lava lizard watching us and guarding its territory. With a beautiful female near him, he was very jealous and started to show the aggressive behavior in the form of its famous territorial push-ups.
That's a Nazca booby behind the lizard.