Española Island

We have started a new week, a fresh adventure, on the Polaris with another Family Trip. On my morning walk, I had a group of kids who were very interested in every creature that we could find. And today we found them all! Blue-footed boobies were everywhere because this is the peak of their breeding season. We saw them with tiny chicks, older downy chicks and unhatched eggs, all along the trail.

One of the highlights this morning was watching a pair of waved albatrosses doing their courtship dance. The male and female stood facing one another, fencing with their beaks, then moving their heads front side to side and up and down. They ended the ritual with their beaks pointing skyward and made a funny moaning sound.

In the afternoon, we prepared to go snorkeling, and were delighted with the blue sky over head and turquoise color of the ocean. This was an invitation to all our guests to join our swimming and snorkeling outings. The snorkeling around Tortuga Islet was superb and afterwards we headed to the lovely white beach of Gardner Bay.

One never tires of an afternoon on Gardner Beach. To be surrounded by the friendly and playful Galápagos sea lions and have a chance to study their charming antics is a special privilege. We rested alongside the sleeping sea lions, frolicked with them in the surf and some of the kids built truly impressive sand castles. The sun accompanied us most of the afternoon, but as we were returning to the ship, soft garua mist fell upon us and created a beautiful, short but double rainbow, over the island.