George Island, Dundas Bay, and Point Adolphus

Sea otters, sea lions and slugs. Who could ask for anything more?

There be noble truths and noble steeds,
And those who make their names through deeds,
But there never was a she or he,
Who lived their days as good as we.

Aye, in morning time we slipped ashore,
With kayaks, boots and gear galore,
We left our tracks and took some too,
With plaster acting as our glue.

The walks were tough and full of roots,
The rock and mud were in cahoots,
We counted slugs well over fifty
Some were mating – it was nifty!

The kayaking was awesome fun
So was walking to “The Gun.”
Sea otters cruised by Zodiacs,
While puffins made their fish attacks,

The afternoon was hunting time
For bears on shore and scenes sublime,
Sea lions roared and dove for fish,
Black bears fulfilled our every wish.

The whales refused to show their flukes,
So we enjoyed our own pursuits
Birds and jellies were presented,
Naps on deck were documented.

Fog rolled in and burned away,
We ventured deep in Dundas Bay
We sang an ode to Mighty Kelp,
The sun descended without help.

Each day becomes another dream,
It stretches like a ribbon,
Our smiles cement its every seam,
We relish what is given.