Timber! Calls the Beaver at Kelp Bay

The sun shone with splendor, in Tracy Arm our first day,
To the glacier we all headed – every Zodiac underway.
Faults, jords, exfoliations, striations! A geologists delight,
Imaginations and one Zodiac, were both captured by the ice.

Raven had a passion for a vertical stance,
(or was it a desire to see eye to eye?)
He twirled Sea Bird as an aquatic partner in dance,
Under our first evenings darkening skies.

Kim hugged a fish at Lake Eva,
Marca found a foraging deer,
Got milt? A picidian question,
Was whispered into Kim’s attentive ear.

At Tidal Inlet we spied five bears munching on invertebrates,
A feast hidden under boulders along its rocky shore,
For the fashionable sow among them,
An echinoderm ornament on her fanny, she proudly wore.

Amongst shops and boardwalks perched on Chichagof Islands barnacled edges,
We petted wet dogs, savored kelp salsa and met friendly folks,
Some with slightly crusty edges.

Guided by discovery, and no other map or compass,
We set out on Pond Island, with no one knowing where to go amongst us.
The landscape said there was beaver; the clouds drenched us with rain,
The toads danced among the moss, our perspective of rainforest has changed.

Through the Sergis Narrows, whirling waters mixing whale blows,
We counted eagles in the trees, the forest cloaked in undulating rainbows.

Amongst otters, glaciers, whales and bears,
Our experiences defied normal measure,
In one week of travel on the Sea Bird,
We’ve collected a lifetime of memories to share,
Alaska gems, we’ll coddle and treasure.