Isla Angel de la Guarda

Once upon a time, fifty-five travelers set out for an adventure. They had been told of mythical creatures that live in a far-away place on a distant shore, known as boojums. Finding the home of the boojum is a heroic journey not to be taken lightly. It is not for the faint of heart, for only the explorer with a pure sense of wonder can be in the presence of these fabled creatures.

Our passage began at dawn, wandering calm waters; Sea Bird cruised into the northern reaches of what some call the Vermillion Sea. Magnificent and magical dolphins escorted us through the tranquil and undisturbed waters off Punta Rocosa, leading us to other charmed treasures.

A pair of the largest animals of the sea, land, or sky, graced us with their presence. They surfaced and blew explosive breaths skyward; enormous dappled bodies shimmered silver, and then gently and quietly they slipped back into the sea. Their turquoise shapes lingered and gently swam through the deep, as a dragon flies through the sky.

We finally arrived to the charmed forest, where the gatekeeper had to restrain a furry beast before we could enter the magical realm. Diverging paths took us on our individual quests, as we searched in earnest for mythical creatures bathed in the last rays of the days golden light. In imaginations and perhaps legends as well, it is said the magnificent trees lift their thorny skirts and dance under the moonlit sky. We left the boojums just after sunset, so as not to disturb their dance.

Our magical day melded into our dreams, as mythical creatures that live in a far-away place, on a distant shore, danced in our sleepy heads. As we continue on our journey, tomorrow will bring us a new chapter, with other mythical and magical beasts.