The Dalles

Today we indulged all our senses in the Hood River Valley, experiencing the fruitation of Sam Hill’s vision and feasting our eyes on the picturesque Columbia River Gorge.

Sam Hill dreamt of paving a path not to get people from point A to point B, but a way to showcase the wonders of the Columbia River’s path through the Cascade Range. He created a journey that was marked with graceful curves, grand bridges and elegant vistas. We traveled that dream, and were not disappointed, looking out over the breathtaking view of Rowena Crest, and walking through the carefully sculpted Mosier Tunnels. Both our eyes and our spirits were lifted.

As we continued to travel west the change in climate was obvious. The valleys of Mount Hood provide the perfect climate for its abundant orchards; providing us with the perfect opportunity to select our favorites amongst the many regional fruits. Isaac, our Hotel Manger, selected twenty-eight varieties from the local Rasmussen Orchard for us to sample.

The final highlight of the afternoon was the viewing of Multnomah Falls. After locking through Bonneville, the final dam of our voyage, we took time to view the numerous landmarks; Beacon Rock, the Bridge of the Gods, and Multnomah Falls were all in view as we continued sailing westward on the Columbia River.