Princess Louisa Inlet, British Columbia

Delicate wisps of gray mist hung from the steep hillsides as the dawn illuminated the mouth of Princess Louisa Inlet. We planned to spend our day exploring the spectacular glacial fjord both on land and water. Shortly after breakfast, the Sea Bird arrived at the mouth of treacherous Malibu Rapids, the narrow entrance to the inlet. Only when the tide had slackened, and the raging torrent had quieted into a placid pool, could we continue into the gorge. After scouting the mouth of the rapids with a Zodiac, we received the “go ahead” signal and the Sea Bird raced through the gap into Princess Louisa Inlet. A short while later we anchored at the head of the inlet, within sight of the aptly named Chatterbox Falls.

We landed near the falls in our Zodiacs. Guests had the opportunity to hike to the base of the roaring cataract. Many also chose to explore the mouth of the inlet by kayak. From water level, we saw belted kingfishers darting through the air, hunting for food near the shoreline. Brilliant blue dragonflies dashed along the water’s edge performing intricate ballets. Soon the mists cleared and the warm sun shown down from a bright blue sky. A few guests took this as a good omen and went for a quick swim in the cool, clear waters.

After lunch, we gradually began our trip out of Princess Louisa Inlet. Guests had the unique chance to travel ahead of the Sea Bird in Zodiacs. We waited just outside the mouth of Malibu Rapids as the Sea Bird carefully negotiated the narrow channel and came rushing out into the broad waters of Jervis Inlet. Later, back on board, David Clapp, a representative from the Smithsonian Institution, presented an interesting talk on the geological history of British Columbia and the diverse wildlife of this unique region. We also had the opportunity to sample regional delicacies such as smoked seafood, an assortment of artisanal cheeses, and tasty desserts. In all, our experiences today left us sated in mind, body, and spirit. We look forward to another day of adventure and discovery in beautiful coastal British Columbia.