Signature animals of the Sea of Cortez were the order of the day!

Our first stop was Los Islotes off the northern edge of La Paz Bay. Here we thrilled to the antics of the local sea lions. The yearling pups often found a comfortable place to lay down, like this one resting on a cooperative young female.

Sally Lightfoot crabs scampered around the rocks just above the resting sea lions. Their bright red and green color caught our eye and drew our attention, momentarily, from the animals with big brown eyes and long whiskers.

Next, on to the southern end of Isla Espiritu Santo for snorkeling, kayaking and a beach barbecue. On the way we crossed paths with about 300 common dolphins on their way to the northern end of La Paz Bay. Leaping, surfing and just plain cavorting around the Sea Bird, they entertained us for about 30 minutes before taking their show on the road and heading off.

The only question we have is, "How can this trip get any better?" The answer seems to be, "It can't, can it?" Stay tuned…