The case of the mysterious night-time noises was easily solved less than 12 hours after they were first reported. Careful sleuthing by Sea Bird guests pinned the timing of these sounds to the ship's passage through the locks at Bonneville and The Dalles dams. Confirmation of the source was obtained during the next lockage.

At 0830 the guillotine gates of John Day lock were spotted looming high. The superstructure was strangely similar to the shape of the uncomfortable block style life vests in each cabin. The chamber appeared miniscule. Deck hands busily readied lines and placed bumpers along the starboard side of the vessel. Thunk! (Hmmm?) Upon entry into the chamber the perception of size became confused. What had looked too narrow to enter suddenly converted into a giant canyon and we became Liliputian. Concrete walls were scored with lines five feet apart. Twenty-one would take us to the top of the wall. Here and there narrow metal lined recesses reached from top to bottom.

As if trained by rodeo riders, a deck hand skillfully lassoed the finger-like sliding bollard hidden within. Thud! (??) Behind us the gate was closed. Currents swirled in the water below and we began to slowly rise. Swish! (???) Screech! The bollard floated upward with the rising "tide," keeping us firmly anchored to the side.

Thunk, thud, swish, screech! A hypothesis was formulated as to the origins of the nocturnal noises. The conclusion was reached in late afternoon at McNary Dam. Any doubt retained by skeptics will be tested in upcoming hours during transit of the four locks on the Snake River.