Pt. Retreat and Pavlof Harbor

This morning we awoke to calm seas and sunshine – a delightful treat for our last full day aboard the Sea Lion. We’d just rounded Pt. Retreat, at the northernmost tip of Admiralty Island, when we spotted the blow of a humpback whale. The captain repositioned the ship for the perfect camera angle, so we were able to snap some photos of the lighthouse on the point with the high peaks of the Coast Range in the background, and the tail fluke of a diving whale in the foreground. We continued south along the east side of Chatham Strait, then crossed over to the east shore of Chichagof Island, searching all the while for more marine mammals. Our diligence paid off near the mouth of Freshwater Bay, where we spent nearly an hour with a group of cooperatively feeding humpback whales. It’s almost impossible to describe the sight of a dozen large whales lunging through the water!

Our last afternoon in the wilds of Southeast Alaska was spent ashore at Pavlof Harbor, hiking along a lovely creek to Pavlof Lake, and then on through the high grass meadow along the lake shore. Dozens of species of colorful wildflowers were blooming; including red columbine, white and lavender gentians, pale purple wild geraniums and sunny yellow buttercups. Many of the long hikers reached a lovely hillside meadow and decided it was the perfect place for a short rest.

As we weighed anchor, bound for Sitka, we immediately encountered a large pod of killer whales! With cocktails and appetizers on the bow, we watched these graceful toothed whales breach, spyhop and swim directly beneath us. What an incredible way to end this fantastic week in Alaska!